Importing container images

Hazy's software is packaged and distributed as OCI container images, compatible with multiple container runtimes (e.g. Docker, containerd).

All images are available to pull from the Hazy container image registry, or can alternatively be installed from archive files (please contact Hazy support).

Hazy container images

Across both single container (SC) and distributed architecture (DA) deployments, Hazy makes use of both purpose-built and open source images for our application.

Image Deployment types Required Third party? Description
multi-table SC, DA Yes No Core functionality of Hazy, including the hub UI.
keycloak SC, DA Yes (if auth) No Authentication service to integrate with enterprise IdPs.
dispatcher DA Yes No Scheduling auto-scalable Hazy jobs in Kubernetes.
rabbitmq DA Yes Yes Messaging broker for distributed architecture communications.
minio DA No Yes AWS S3 compliant local object store.
postgresql DA No Yes PostgreSQL database for Hub backend.
nginx DA No Yes Nginx reverse proxy for managing hub/keycloak routing.

Third party open source images are provided at a Hazy-approved version and are subject to thorough testing as part of our application ecosystem.

Pulling images from Hazy

Hazy provides login credentials which will allow you to pull from our customer-facing container registry Please contact support if these credentials need re-sent or refreshed.

Using Docker

# login to hazy container image registry
$ docker login -u <your-hazy-username>
Password: <your-hazy-password>

# pull relevant image(s)
$ docker pull<image>:<image-version>

Push to an external registry

To make the Hazy container images more widely available within your organisation, or to move a given image into a secure environment, push the newly imported Hazy images to your desired container image registry as follows:

$ docker tag<image>:<version>

$ docker login -u <your-registry-username>
Password: <your-registry-password>

$ docker push