Supply chain greenhouse gas emission factors

This model contains two datasets which detail greenhouse gas (GHG) emission factors for various commodities in the United States, categorized according to the 2017 version of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). These factors are based on GHG data from 2019 and cover a wide range of 1,016 commodities. The emission factors are provided at the 6-digit level of NAICS classification, except for electricity, government, and households.

Each record in a dataset contains three types of emission factors:

  1. Supply Chain Emissions without Margins (SEF): This represents the direct emissions associated with the production and transportation of the commodity.
  2. Margins of Supply Chain Emissions (MEF): This includes additional emissions associated with upstream and downstream processes, such as the extraction of raw materials and the distribution of the final product.
  3. Supply Chain Emissions with Margins (SEF+MEF): This combines 1 and 2, and is, therefore, a combination of both the direct emissions and the additional emissions from upstream and downstream processes.

There are two separate datasets provided:

  1. CO2e Emissions Factor: This dataset provides emission factors in terms of kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) emitted per US dollar (USD) for all GHGs combined. The CO2e calculation utilizes 100-year global warming potentials from the 4th IPCC Assessment report.
  2. GHG Emissions Factor: This dataset provides emission factors in kilograms of each unique greenhouse gas emitted per dollar per commodity without the CO2e calculation. The denominator in all factors uses purchaser prices in 2021 USD.

These datasets provide comprehensive information on the greenhouse gas emissions associated with various commodities in the United States and highlight the environmental impact of different sectors of the economy.

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