House sales in King County, USA

This model contains a dataset of house sales for King County, Washington State USA. It includes properties sold between May 2014 and May 2015. The original source data contains 2,163 samples and can be accessed from

Column descriptions

Overall there are 21 columns. This includes an identification number for the house, the house sale price (dependent variable) as well as 19 variable features.

  • id - 10-digit numerical ID given to the property
  • price - price property was sold at
  • bedrooms - no. of bedrooms
  • bathrooms - no. of bathroom
  • floor - no. floors (levels) in house
  • date - date of sale
  • sqft_living - square footage of the home
  • sqft_lot - square footage of the lot
  • waterfront - indicator of whether it’s a waterfront property
  • view -  has been viewed
  • yr_built - year house was built
  • yr_renovated - year house was last renovated
  • condition - rating of condition of house (1-5)
  • grade - overall grade given to the housing unit, based on King County grading system (1-13)
  • sqft_above - square footage of house apart from basement
  • sqft_basement -  square footage of the basement
  • sqft_living15 - living room area in 2015
  • sqft_lot15 - lot size area in 2015
  • lat - latitude coordinate of the property
  • long - longitude coordinate of the property
  • zipcode - zipcode of the property

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