French Fisheries control statistics

French Fisheries control statistics

The models contains a dataset that was complied by the State Startup MonitorFish & MonitorEnv. It provides comprehensive information on fisheries control indicators and environmental regulations, and aims to enhance the targeting and monitoring of marine resources for the sustainable management of fisheries and protection of marine biodiversity.

To read more about the background of this dataset please refer to the EU Data Group to where the original source data can be found.

This model contains two datasets:

  • segments-of-float.csv - List of fleet segments of the European Fisheries Control Agency selected by France
  • statistics-de-controle-des-peches.csv - Fisheries control statistics carried out by the French authorities by month, by fleet segment, by sea front and by type of control

Column descriptions

For the control statistics file statistiques-de-controle-des-peches.csv, the columns of the file are as follows:

  • control_year: year of inspection
  • control_type: type of control. Possible values: Landing control, Control at sea, Air traffic control
  • facade: maritime control facade (see map here)
  • segment: fleet segment of the vessel, determined on the basis of catches (species, catch areas and fishing gear used) in hold at the time of control.
  • control_month: month of inspection
  • number_controls: number of inspections carried out this month for this segment, this type of inspection and on this facade
  • number_controls_ytd: number of checks carried out since the beginning of the year for this segment, this type of inspection and on this facade
  • infringement_rate: infringement rate on the inspections carried out this month for this segment, this type of inspection and on this facade
  • infringement_rate_ytd: infringement rate on controls carried out since the beginning of the year for this segment, this type of inspection and on this facade

Note: target_number_of_controls_year column in original source data as was empty has been dropped during model configuration as it was empty at the time that the source data was used for configuration.

For the file of definition of fleet segments segments-de-flotte.csv, the columns of the file are as follows:

  • segment: code of the segment used in the control statistics file
  • segment_name: intuitive description of the segment
  • Gears: list of FAO codes of gear concerned by the segment
  • fao_areas: lists of FAO Areas Affected by the Segment
  • Species: list of FAO codes of species concerned by segmen
  • impact_risk_factor: segment risk factor according to EFCA methodology, on a scale of 1 (low) to 4 (very high)
  • year: year associated with fleet segment

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